It has been amazing to watch the Columbia Borough SD transform into a culture that fosters educational innovation. Thanks for our first week of new instruction! #CBSDlearns
Students and Parents: Please join us next week, Monday April 20th through Thursday, April 24 for a virtual spirit week. Please send your middle school pictures to
In addition, please use the hashtag #TidePride if you post pictures on Twitter! Let's have some fun this coming week!!! We can't wait to see your school spirit shine! You can send in student pictures, family pictures, and staff pictures!
Columbia Borough School District Virtual Spirit Week:
Monday – Crazy Sock Day: Start the week off right by getting a little crazy and wearing the craziest socks you have!
Tuesday – Sports/Extracurricular Activity Day: Wear your Columbia Sports/Activity attire or even professional sports attire in honor of students that are missing activities that they enjoy.
Wednesday – Red, White and Blue Day – In honor of our first responders, hospital workers, grocery workers, truck drivers and ALL essential workers.
Thursday – Tide Pride: Show your Tide Pride by wearing Crimson and Gold!
Kindergarten Registration is now open and online. Please visit for full details.
6th Grade Students!!!! Fun Friday is tomorrow! Wear your favorite hat and join for a super fun game! Starts at 12:00. Check school email for Zoom link from Miss Lockard.
Power Packs can be picked up 3 different time slots:
1. Thursday from 10-Noon at 221 Union Street
2. Thursday from 2 to 5pm at 221 Union Street
3. Friday from 9:45 to 11 at Park Elementary during Grab & Go
Power Packs can be picked up 3 different time slots:
1. Thursday from 10-Noon at 221 Union Street
2. Thursday from 2 to 5pm at 221 Union Street
3. Friday from 9:45 to 11 at Park Elementary during Grab & Go
For Postponements, Cancellations, and Scheduled Grab & Go Pick-ups and Power Packs, please see our District Events Calendar on our main website page
Kindergarten Registration is now open and online. Please visit for full details.
DID YOU KNOW? Beginning on Monday, April 13, teachers will be taking attendance and grading all assignments provided online. Please be sure that your students are logging in, attending class meetings, and completing assignments.
Social Emotional Learning is on our Google Site of FREE learning resources for families. We wanted our learners to know that it is still important in virtual learning.
Parents: This is a reminder that beginning on Monday, April 13 teachers will be taking attendance and grading all assignments provided online. Please be sure that your students are logging in, attending class meetings, and completing assignments. If you have questions, please contact us.
Excellent Tips for Learning at Home, click the image for a full view! Remember to head on over to CBSD Learn from Home for FREE education tools
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open Online! Please see the link for details,
If you haven't downloaded our APP, do so! It's a wonderful tool to find out what's going on in the district. Our website (on desktop) is even better when you need to find something specific. The search bar is user friendly and can point you in the direction of what you are looking for..
If you haven't downloaded our APP, do so! It's a wonderful tool to find out what's going on in the district. Our website (on desktop) is even better when you need to find something specific. The search bar is user-friendly and can direct you to what you are looking for.
During the course of the week, please Tweet a picture of Learning From Home to #CBSDlearns
Stop on out to Park Elementary for Grab & Go Breakfast and Lunch! We are hear for a couple more minutes! As always we have great menu items on the list this week! We are here from 9:45 to 11, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday the District is Closed.
Last chance to get a refund on GOTR Registration is TODAY. Please see our news page for details,
Reminder for GOTR Registration Fee Refund deadline is Monday, April 6. Please see details on our news page,
Parents: Here are some instructional videos if you or your students are having trouble opening or attaching assignments to Google Classrooms:
How to attach a file:
How to open a document so you can write on it:
(Start it at 2:30 into the video).
If you still need assistance, please contact your child's teachers. Stay Safe!!!