Federal Programs

Christopher Miller, Assistant to the Superintendent for Instructional Programs


Lindsay Blake, District Grant Writer

What is Federal Programs?

The Department of Federal Programs is in charge of overseeing compliance with Federal and State regulations when it comes to grant funding.

Responsibilities of the Department of Federal Programs include:   

  • Provide support to district and school staff to ensure compliance with programmatic and fiscal requirements required by federal and state law.

  • Offer assistance to schools in using all government or other grant related funds to support quality educational programming for all students in order to raise academic achievement

  • Work with federal, state, and local agencies on programming or grant efforts to benefit students and families within CBSD.

Parent Involvement

School Parent Compact

Parents/Guardians will be asked by the building principals to review the compact each year. The compact is an agreement between the parents, students, and school to help ensure each child's academic success. This acknowledges a shared commitment that all involved are going to work together to improve learning. This compact is required by Federal Title I guidelines.

How can Parents/Guardians Get Involved in Their Child's Education?

By taking an active role in our school, parents show their children that they are valued and that education is important. Below are a variety of way s that you can be involved in the education of your child:

  • Read to and with your child daily

  • Attend open houses, PTP (Parent Teacher Partnership) meetings and parent involvement activities

  • Attend parent/teacher conferences

  • Join the school PTP and be an actively involved member

  • Volunteer in your child's classroom

  • Communicate regularly with your child's teacher

Title I and CBSD

  1. CBSD has three Schoolwide Title I buildings, Park Elementary, Columbia Middle School Taylor Campus, and the Columbia High/Middle School Hill Campus

  2. The District is eligible for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) allowing all students to receive free breakfast and lunch.

  3. Columbia Borough School District uses Title I funds to provide an additional 10% of literacy support in grades K-12. All teachers in CBSD are expected to be teachers of literacy.

  4. CBSD Future Ready Index can be found here. Data is updated regularly by the State.

Title Funding

The purpose of Title I is to improve the academic achievement by providing fair, equitable, and high-quality education to all children. Funds are to be used to help children meet the challenging state academic standards, which may include programs, activities, and academic courses necessary to provide a “well-rounded education.”  District Uses: All schools in CBSD are considered TItle I due to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Each teacher has 10% of his/her total salary charged to the Title I Grant which means that ALL teachers are officially Title I teachers. The purpose of Title IV is to improve student academic achievement by increasing the capacity of districts to: Provide all students with Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities Safe and Healthy Students - Improves school conditions  Promote the Effective Use of Technology (EUT) in supporting academic achievement and digital literacy of all students  District Uses: Supplies to support programs such as STEM, Career Field Trips, SAP (Student Assistance Program), Social Emotional and Healthy Living Presentations, Career Building Software, Software to promote ELA within Special Education Programs. Title IV  $51,812 The purpose of Title II is to Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals and other school leaders Increase number of teachers, principals and other school leaders who are effective in improving student achievement Provide students from low-income families and minority students with greater access to effective educators  District Uses: Salary and Benefits of a Reading Specialist. The role of the reading specialist is responsible for providing high-quality direct instruction using research-based interventions to elementary students; individually or in small groups to enable students to master grade-level early literacy skills. The purpose of Title III focuses on supplemental services for ELs (English Learners) and recently arrived immigrants. Provide student support for ELs in acquiring English language skills (linguistic supports) and achievement in rigorous state content areas (academic supports)  District Uses: The District is a part of a Consortium with IU13 that provides supplemental services to provide districts highly effective professional development opportunities and inter-connected technical support services that will increase English proficiency for students served in district ELD programs, including immigrant children. Title I  $680,045 Title II  $71,292 Title III  $18,414 2024-2025 TITLE FUNDING