PA State Assessment System
PSSA Examinations (Grades K - 8)
The annual Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) is a standards-based, criterion-referenced assessment used to measure a student’s attainment of the academic standards while also determining the degree to which school programs enable students to attain proficiency of the standards. These standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science and Technology identify what a student should know and be able to do at varying grade levels. School districts possess the freedom to design curriculum and instruction to ensure that students meet or exceed the standards' expectations. Every Pennsylvania student in grades 3 through 8 takes PSSA assessments in the Spring of each school year. [Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2021). Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). Pennsylvania Department of Education.
2024-2025 PSSA Assessment Calendar |
Keystone Examinations (Grades 9-12)
High School students take a Keystone exit examination at the conclusion of their Literature, Biology, and Algebra classes. Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, Keystone Exams in the following subjects were developed by the Department and made available for use by school districts, AVTSs, and charter schools, including cyber charter schools:
Algebra I
The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania's statewide high school graduation requirements. Keystone Exams will help school districts guide students toward meeting state standards. [Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2021). Keystone Exams. Pennsylvania Department of Education.
2024-2025 Keystone Assessment Calendar |
Opt-Out Procedures
If parents or guardians have a religious objection to the PDE State Assessments, they can contact the building principal to review the assessment within two(2) weeks of the assessment dates, and send a letter of request to the superintendent of schools.