Students entering Kindergarten, 3rd, and 7th grade need a DENTAL exam.
Students entering 6th grade and 11th grade need a complete medical physical exam.
All kindergarten students are required to have a physical exam.
ALL paperwork for exams and vaccinations must be completed and turned-in to the school nurse.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires students to receive certain vaccines in order to attend Pennsylvania schools. The regulations aim to ensure that children are adequately protected against potential outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases.
For attendance in all grades, children need the following:
Four (4) doses of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
Four (4) doses of Polio (fourth dose on or after 4th birthday and at least six months after previous dose given)
Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B
Two (2) doses of MMR
Two (2) doses of Varicella
Additionally, for attendance in 7th grade:
One (1) dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) on the first day of 7th grade
One (1) dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) on the first day of 7th grade
For attendance in 12th grade:
One (1) dose of MCV on the first day of 12th grade. If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that dose counts as the 12th grade dose.
Do not risk exclusion from school!
On the first day of school, unless the child has a medical or religious/philosophical exemption, a child must have at least one dose of the above vaccinations or risk exclusion.
If a child does not have all the doses listed above, needs additional doses, and the next dose is medically appropriate, the child must receive that dose within the first five days of school or risk exclusion. If the next dose is not the final dose of the series, the child must also provide a medical plan within the first five (5) days of school for obtaining the required immunizations or risk exclusion.
If a child does not have all the doses listed above, needs additional doses, and the next dose is not medically appropriate, the child must provide a medical plan within the first five (5) days of school for obtaining the required immunizations or risk exclusion.
The medical plan must be followed or risk exclusion.
When Should I Keep My Child Home?
We understand raising children in this day and age is difficult to say the least. With so many gray areas and questions, we thought it'd be helpful to put together some guidelines to help you through. Here are the guidelines we recommend for sending your child to school. If you have questions, please call your school nurse, doctor, or other health care provider.
Your child may go to school when he or she has ALL of the following:
has only mild cold symptoms (cough, sneeze, runny/congested nose), or no cold symptoms.
has a normal temperature (under 100.4 degrees).
has enough energy to do school work.
can keep from spreading germs by washing their hands (throwing away used tissues, coughing onto their sleeve, and coughing away from other people).
Has been taking antibiotics for MORE than 24 hours (or is not taking any antibiotics).
Your child may NOT go to school when he or she:
has a fever (temperature over 100.4 degrees) or needs fever-reducing medicine. Your child may return to school as long as their temperature has been less than 100.4 for at least 24 hours without Tylenol or ibuprofen.
has been taking antibiotics for less than 24 hours.
Your child must have a normal temperature (under 100.4 degrees) for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine (such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen) before returning to school.
Keep your child home if the white part of their eye is red and there is a yellow or green crust, or gooey stuff in the eye. If your child has Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) they must stay home until they have been using antibiotic eye medication for 24 hours or more. Pink eye can spread easily.
Keep your child home if they have a rash that is oozing or if it is contagious. (A trip to the pediatrician may be needed to determine the rash)
Keep your child home if they have diarrhea (3 or more loose or watery bowel movements) or if they are vomiting.
Wondering where to obtain medications for a child who lost their insurance and needs medications while applying for Medical Assistance?
Walmart offers a $4 prescription program on certain medications. For more information about this program please click on the website.