2025-2026 Student Calendar cover and colors in maroon white
Penn State Health Employees and  Danielle Eshleman in front of a truckload of boxes with supply kits
Power Packs Project Logo
Students in Garden
C logo with Columbia Borough School District at top Calendar update in middle
2024-2027 Comprehensive Plan Review
C tide logo with Columbia Borough School District at top and 2024-2025 Student Calendar with maroon background
Members of the CBSD School Board And CBFD on the front steps of the District Administration Center with CBSD logo and CBFD logo
Kathleen Hohenadel and Charles Leader with their PSBA certificates
Back 2 School Night
Free Summer Meals for Kids & Teens
Image  is of a flyer for a  job fair hosted by STS.  job fair open house to support ELANCO and Columbia Borough School District.  When: Tuesday February 21, 2023 Time: 4:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m. Where: Columbia Borough School District Administrative Center Board Room 200 N. Fifth Street Columbia, PA 17512   Positions available: Life Skills Support Teacher	Science Teacher	Learning Support Teacher Special Education Teacher 	Foreign Language Teacher English Teacher Custodian Positions 	Food Service Workers Can’t Make the event? Email hrcommon@thesubservice.com Or give us a call 610-566-6466
Thank you for your Years of Service with the CBSD logo on maroon backgound